Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics

I studied astrophysics at University of Calfironia Santa Cruz (PhD, 2016), and spent several years working as a research scientist at the Ohio State University, including as NASA Hubble fellow. Here is my full academic CV.

word-cloud generated from my publications (Scimeter):

My work was primarily focused on improving our theoretical understanding on the lives and deaths of massive stars. This entails hydrodynamics calculations, mostly in spherical symmetry but sometimes in multi-dimensions, coupled with either radiation- or neutrino-transport, while often carrying a large nuclear reaction network as well. Broadly, these models utilize known physics to make testable predictions about the evolution and explosion (sometimes implosion) of massive stars, which were then compared to cutting edge astronomical measurements.

PNAS Cosmos Science et Avenir IFLScience WIRED Mirage

Over the years I have published about 30 peer-reviewed papers in the top journals (GoogleScholar, arXiv, NASA-ADS). By far my most influential piece of work was Sukhbold et al. (2016), in which we proposed a novel approach for simulating calibrated neutrino-driven stellar explosions, and in some small way it set a new standard in the field. It was among the top 50 (out of ~20,000) astronomy papers published in 2016, currently with over 500 citations (as of mid 2021).

Places I gave invited talks and colloquiua:

Since 2015, I gave 30 invited seminars and colloquiums throughout the U.S. (all international invites were declined due to a personal reason). I have also frequently served as a referee to various journals (ApJ, MNRAS, Nature Astronomy, A&A), and to government funding agencies (NSF and NASA - ATP, FINESST, ADAP).

While at Ohio State I organized one medium size workshop in 2019, co-organized TeVPa and CCAPP seminar series, and used to run the weekly supernova group meetings since 2016. I also had a chance to closely work with several outstanding students including Rachel Patton, with whom I published 2 papers that form part of her PhD thesis work.